Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 16:46:31 EST From: "Rob Slade, Ed. DECrypt & ComNet, VARUG rep, 604-984-4067" Subject: "Garage Virtual Reality" by Jacobson BKGARGVR.RVW 940726 SAMS Publishing 11711 N. College Ave., Suite 140 Carmel, IN 46032-5634 317-573-2500 317-581-3535 800-428-5331 800-428-3804 "Garage Virtual Reality", Jacobson, 1994, 0-672-30270-5, U$29.95/C$37.95 In all the applications of computing, users want more power, more storage, and more and better input and output devices. Virtual reality, however, lays a special claim to the demands for "more and better" since signal processing takes such enormous amounts of processing power, and since VR I/O requires devices so radically different from the normal run of wordprocessing and data entry. Jacobson's book proves that VR can be a hobbyist field without a Cray on hand or a shop full of engineers. It also provides an excellent resource for those wanting to enter the field. After some general introductions to the idea, history and possible applications of VR, the book devotes chapters to computer platforms, displays, input devices and software. "Hacking for the Trip" covers hardware interfacing, devices and modifications that you will probably need to do VR on the cheap. "Carpooling" lists groups and contacts available electronically, primarily on the Internet. VR is only beginning to show commercial possibilities at the desktop level. This means that you will need a bit of hobbyist dedication to pursue the field. This is not (yet) for those fearful of soldering irons or the parts shelves at the local Radio Shack, and a nodding acquaintance with assembler probably wouldn't hurt, either. If you are still interested, though, this work can get you started. Those commercial outfits that are producing VR related devices and software are listed, in addition to professional contacts and organizations. A series of profiles of VR workers/hobbyists also lists a number of starter systems, none over $2500. copyright Robert M. Slade, 1994 BKGARGVR.RVW 940726 ====================== DECUS Canada Communications, Desktop, Education and Security group newsletters Editor and/or reviewer,, Rob Slade at 1:153/733 Author "Robert Slade's Guide to Computer Viruses" (Oct. '94) Springer-Verlag