Date: Sun, 06 Aug 1995 21:53:33 EST From: "Rob Slade, the doting grandpa of Ryan Hoff" Subject: "The PC is Not a Typewriter" by Williams BKPCNTYP.RVW 950628 "The PC is Not a Typewriter", Robin Williams, 1992, 0-938151-49-5, $9.95 %A Robin Williams %C 2414 6th St., Berkeley, CA 94710 %D 1992 %G 0-938151-49-5 %I Peachpit Press %O $9.95 510-548-4393 fax: 510-548-5991 800-283-9444 %O 416-447-5101 fax: 416-443-0948 %P 92 %T "The PC is Not a Typewriter" This pamphlet is directed at those entering the field of desktop publishing. About half of the eighteen points are devoted to "unlearning" the bad habits necessitated by a monospaced, limited character set typewriter. These give some practical tips on accessing special characters in widely sold PC software. (By the way, Robin, some "fractional" characters are available.) The remaining material deals more generally with style, and your ability to use it may depend upon either your artistic or technical competence. copyright Robert M. Slade, 1995 BKPCNTYP.RVW 950628 ============== Vancouver | Computer user thinks Institute for | the machine just works for him Research into Rob.Slade@f733.n153.z1/| Monkey disagrees User| Security Canada V7K 2G6 | - virus haiku