sunflash-Distributed to mailing list sun/NC/north-carolina sunflash-Send requests, problems to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Florida SunFlash Sun User Group Announces Keynote Speakers For SUG-West '93 SunFLASH Vol 59 #16 November 1993 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59.16 Sun User Group Announces Keynote Speakers For SUG-West '93 SUG announced that it has finalized agreements to bring several industry notables to its December show. John Gage of Sun Microsystems, Dr. Bruce Nelson of Auspex Systems, and Wayne Rosing of FirstPerson will all be giving plenary sessions at the Eleventh annual Sun User Group Conference and Exhibition. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Alex Newman) Contact: Alex Newman Sun User Group (617) 232-0514 BOSTON, MA. -- The Sun User Group announced today that it has finalized agreements to bring several industry notables to its December show. John Gage of Sun Microsystems, Dr. Bruce Nelson of Auspex Systems, and Wayne Rosing of FirstPerson will all be giving plenary sessions at the Eleventh annual Sun User Group Conference and Exhibition. "Frankly, we're ecstatic to have such noteworthy speakers. We think that having Sun Microsystems represented on an executive level will go a long way towards dispelling any myths of animosity between Sun and SUG." said Alex Newman, Executive Director of the Sun User Group. "And we're very sure that the attendees will walk away from the presentations with a great deal of valuable insight. We're also very excited to have Bruce Nelson with us again. Bruce is always a top-notch speaker." John Gage is the Director of the Science Office for Sun Microsystems. In this capacity he works with Bill Joy, Sun's Chief Technical Officer, and is responsible for Sun's relationships with the world scientific and public policy communities, international scientific institutions and groups developing new forms of scientific research involving computing. Another Sun company, FirstPerson, will be represented by its president, Wayne Rosing. "As president of FirstPerson, Wayne is developing the the commercial technologies which are going to go head to head with The Newton and other PDA's. We think that this level of 'personal technology' is going to have a great impact on business worldwide, and we're very interested in hearing how SUn is positioned for the future." said Newman. Dr. Bruce Nelson is the Chief Technologist for Auspex Systems, Inc., where he directs product strategy, benchmark methodology, and technology forecasting. As Auspex's chief technological spokesman, Nelson frequently talks at conferences and to customers about UNIX networking, file serving, application acceleration, and performance evaluation. Dr. Nelson was the keynote speaker at the most recent Sun User Group show in Boston. Bruce Nelson has broad software engineering experience with computer systems and networks. Between 1977-82, Nelson was on the research staff of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, where he was a pioneer in distributed computer systems. He implemented the first and fastestp remote procedure call (RPC) compilers, developed and demonstrated practical optimization techniques for network protocol software, and built performance monitors for early network file servers. "Anyone who has ever heard Bruce speak can tell you he is a powerhouse, " said Newman. "I know people who swear he walks on water. His talks are exciting, accurate, and never, ever, dull." The Sun User Group's Eleventh Annual Conference and Tradeshow is being held December 6-9, 1993 in San Jose, California. It is being organized by PCI, an Austin-based publisher of technical and trade journals, and produced by the Sun User Group. For more information, please contact Alex Newman at (617) 232-0514. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alex Newman Sun User Group "Drac opened his coffin, 1330 Beacon St., shook his fist, (617) 232-0514 voice Suite #315 and said "Whatever happened (617) 232-1347 fax Brookline, MA 02146 to my Transylvania Twist?" ********************************************************************** For information about SunFlash send mail to info-sunflash@Sun.COM. Subscription requests should be sent to sunflash-request@Sun.COM. Archives are on,,, and For Gopher and WAIS access: (Login as 'gopher' for a simple gopher client, 'swais' for a simple WAIS client (over 500 databases). All prices, availability, and other statements relating to Sun or third party products are valid in the U.S. only. Please contact your local Sales Representative for details of pricing and product availability in your region. 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