sunflash-Distributed to mailing list sun/NC/north-carolina sunflash-Send requests, problems to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Florida SunFlash Dataquest Reports Sun Expanding Dominance In Technical Markets SunFLASH Vol 57 #34 September 1993 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57.34 Dataquest reports Sun expanding dominance in technical markets According to recently released figures from Dataquest, Sun is the technical workstation leader in core technical markets, including mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact: Cathleen Beall Garfield (415) 336-6536 Displaces HP and IBM in MCAD MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- September 28, 1993 -- According to recently released figures from Dataquest, Sun is the technical workstation leader in core technical markets, including mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD) -- where it displaced Hewlett Packard and IBM. Sun has 36 percent unit volume in MCAD, compared to HP's 23 percent and IBM's 8 percent. Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation (SMCC) also continues its lead in electronic design automation (EDA) and software development (a.k.a. CASE). SMCC continues to far outdistance other vendors in EDA by owning 60 percent marketshare compared to HP's 25 percent and IBM's 2 percent; and in CASE Sun has 62 percent of the market, compared to HP's 5 percent and IBM's 14 percent. The figures were released in Dataquest's Market Statistics Analysis report for each market. "There's been an erroneous impression that Sun has changed its focus resulting in loss of momentum in its traditional technical market stronghold," said Mike Seely, director at Dataquest. "In fact, the numbers prove that Sun continues to grow in technical markets while also establishing a successful business in commercial markets." "Our marketshare in the technical markets continues to grow at an impressive rate," said Mario Dal Canto, director of technical and industrial market development. "The reason we continue to lead this industry is simple: we have never let up in pushing the envelope of technical innovation." Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation (SMCC), the world's leading supplier of open client-server computing solutions, is an operating company of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun is the exclusive computer supplier to World Cup Soccer 1994. SMCC has its headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. # # # Sun Micro Systems Computer Corporation, Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation logo and Sun Microsystems are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All other products are referred to herein by the trademarks as designated by the companies who market those products. ********************************************************************** For information about SunFlash send mail to info-sunflash@Sun.COM. Subscription requests should be sent to sunflash-request@Sun.COM. Archives are on,,, and All prices, availability, and other statements relating to Sun or third party products are valid in the U.S. only. Please contact your local Sales Representative for details of pricing and product availability in your region. Descriptions of, or references to products or publications within SunFlash does not imply an endorsement of that product or publication by Sun Microsystems. Send brief articles (e.g. third party announcements) and include contact information (non-800#, fax #, email, etc) to: John McLaughlin, SunFlash editor, flash@Sun.COM. +1 305 351 4909