Java is Dynamic(ly linked)

Java does not have an explicit link phase. Java source code is divided into .java files, roughly one per each class in your program. The compiler compiles these into .class files containing byte code. Each .java file generally produces exactly one .class file.

(There are a few exceptions we'll discuss later in the semester, non-public classes and inner classes).

The compiler searches the current directory and directories specified in the CLASSPATH environment variable to find other classes explicitly referenced by name in each source code file. If the file you're compiling depends on other, non-compiled files the compiler will try to find them and compile them as well. The compiler is quite smart, and can handle circular dependencies as well as methods that are used before they're declared. It also can determine whether a source code file has changed since the last time it was compiled.

More importantly, classes that were unknown to a program when it was compiled can still be loaded into it at runtime. For example, a web browser can load applets of differing classes that it's never seen before without recompilation.

Furthermore, Java .class files tend to be quite small, a few kilobytes at most. It is not necessary to link in large runtime libraries to produce a (non-native) executable. Instead the necessary classes are loaded from the user's CLASSPATH.

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Last Modified September 2, 1997
Copyright 1997 Elliotte Rusty Harold