HTML 4.0 deprecates the <APPLET> tag. Instead you are supposed to use the <OBJECT> tag. For the purposes of ewbedding applets, the <OBJECT> tag is used almost exactly like the <APPLET> tag except that the class attribute becomes the classid attribute. For example,

<OBJECT classid="MyApplet.class" 
CODEBASE="" width=200 height=200
The <OBJECT> tag is also used to embed ActiveX controls and other kinds of active content, and it has a few additional attributes to allow it to do that. However, for the purposes of Java you don't need to know about these.

The <OBJECT> tag is supported by Netscape ???? and later and Internet Explorer ???? and later. It is not supported by earlier versions of those browsers so <APPLET> is unlikely to disappear anytime soon.

You can support both by placing an <APPLET> element inside an <OBJECT> element like this:

<OBJECT classid="MyApplet.class" width=200 height=200>
<APPLET code="MyApplet.class" width=200 height=200>
Browsers that understand <OBJECT> will ignore its content while browsers that don't will display its content.

PARAM elements are the same for <OBJECT> as for <APPLET>.

For the complete story, you can read about the <OBJECT> tag in the HTML 4.0 specification.

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Last Modified October 16, 1998
Copyright 1998 Elliotte Rusty Harold