
Color is not a property of a particular rectangle, string or other thing you may draw. Rather color is a part of the Graphics object that does the drawing. To change colors you change the color of your Graphics object. Then everything you draw from that point forward will be in the new color, at least until you change it again.

When an applet starts running the color is set to black by default. You can change this to red by calling g.setColor( You can change it back to black by calling g.setColor( The following code fragment shows how you'd draw a pink String followed by a green one:

g.drawString("This String is pink!", 50, 25);
g.drawString("This String is green!", 50, 50);
Remember everything you draw after the last line will be drawn in green. Therefore before you start messing with the color of the pen its a good idea to make sure you can go back to the color you started with. For this purpose Java provides the getColor() method. You use it like follows:

Color oldColor = g.getColor();
g.drawString("This String is pink!", 50, 25);
g.drawString("This String is green!", 50, 50);

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Last Modified October 16, 1998
Copyright 1997, 1998 Elliotte Rusty Harold