Seminars, Tutorials, and Presentations by Elliotte Rusty Harold

If you're interested in having me reprise any of these presentations for your company, user group, or conference, please see the abstracts page for more details.

By Topic

I've presented most of these seminars and tutorials several times, updating them each time. These are links to the most recent and up-to-date version of each of these talks.

Java 1.4 and Beyond

A one hour presentation predicting what we'll see in Java 1.4, Merlin and future releases given to the UK Unix Users Group on February 22, 2001.

Introduction to Java I/O (1.5 hours)

Java Network Programing (3 hours, PowerPoint)

Parsing and Displaying HTML with Swing (1.5 hours)

Web Client Programming with Java (2 hours)

Java: Hype vs. Hope (1 hour)

A one hour talk about the promise of Java vs. the reality given at Fordham University in March, 1997.

Processing XML with Java (approximately 7 hours)

Top Ten Myths about Java I/O

A one hour presentation about common misconceptions about input and output in Java delivered to the CityJava Users' Group in May, 1999.

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Copyright 1999-2001 Elliotte Rusty Harold
Last Modified February 25, 2001